The domestic titanium dioxide market has slightly declined (11.6-11.13)

1、 Price trend


Taking sulfuric acid based rutile titanium dioxide, which has a large volume of sales in the domestic market, as an example, according to data monitoring by Business News, the average price of domestic titanium dioxide last Monday was 17300 yuan/ton, while this Monday’s average price was 17266.67 yuan/ton. The daily price decreased slightly within 7 days, with a magnitude of 0.19%.


2、 Market analysis


The domestic titanium dioxide market has slightly declined. Overall, the situation is still dominated by foreign trade orders, while the domestic terminal market situation is relatively light. At present, the transaction situation of new orders is not good, and there is a strong wait-and-see sentiment in the market, resulting in reduced demand. Major manufacturers often observe the pricing policies of leading manufacturers, and currently the main focus is on stability in various markets. As of now, most domestic quotations for rutile titanium dioxide are between 16700-18600 yuan/ton; The quotation for anatase titanium dioxide is around 15000-15500 yuan/ton; The quotation for chlorinated titanium dioxide is around 19600 yuan/ton. The actual transaction price is negotiated separately.


In terms of titanium concentrate, the market price of titanium concentrate in the Panxi region has slightly decreased. Downstream titanium dioxide enterprises have average market conditions and poor market demand, so they are more cautious in purchasing. As of now, the tax-free quotation for grade 38-42 titanium ore is around 1460-1480 yuan/ton, the tax-free quotation for grade 46 10 titanium concentrate is around 2100-2200 yuan/ton, and the quotation for grade 47 20 titanium concentrate is around 2350-2480 yuan/ton. In the short term, the market price of titanium concentrate is weak and stable, and the actual transaction price is negotiable.


In terms of sulfuric acid, the domestic sulfuric acid market price has increased. According to data monitoring from Business Society, the average price of sulfuric acid was 262 yuan/ton last Monday, and 267 yuan/ton this Monday, with a price increase of 3.05%. The upstream sulfur market has recently slightly increased, with increased cost support. The downstream hydrofluoric acid market has stabilized at a high level, while the titanium dioxide market has slightly decreased. Downstream customers have average enthusiasm for purchasing sulfuric acid.


3、 Future Market Forecast


Business Society Titanium Dioxide Analyst believes that currently, the price of titanium concentrate in the Panxi region has slightly decreased, and upstream raw material support is limited. The downstream market situation is light, and market confidence is insufficient. Buying up or not buying down implies a stronger trend, and most enterprises are watching the latest price policies of major manufacturers. It is expected that the titanium dioxide market will operate weakly and steadily in the short term, and the actual transaction price will be negotiated separately.