The price of imported potassium chloride remained stable this week (12.4-12.10)

1、 Price trend


According to the Commodity Analysis System of Business Society, the domestic market for imported potassium chloride remained stable this week, with a price of 3080.00 yuan/ton, a year-on-year decrease of 21.28%. On December 10th, the potassium chloride (imported) commodity index was 97.78, unchanged from yesterday, a decrease of 44.00% from the highest point in the cycle of 174.60 points (2022-06-21), and an increase of 67.86% from the lowest point of 58.25 points on August 6th, 2020. (Note: The cycle refers to 2012-03-01 present)


2、 Market analysis


The prices of mainstream domestic potassium chloride distributors have remained stable this week.


From the downstream market situation of potassium chloride, the price of potassium carbonate in the market has stabilized at a high level this week, with a price of 7550.00 yuan/ton. The weekend price fell by 18.16% year-on-year. This week, the market price of potassium nitrate stabilized at a high level, with a price of 5475.00 yuan/ton. Over the weekend, the price decreased by 6.81% year-on-year. Overall, the downstream market for potassium chloride is consolidating at a high level, and downstream customers have average demand for potassium chloride.


3、 Future Market Forecast


In mid to late December, the overall trend of potassium chloride market may fluctuate and fall narrowly, with consolidation being the main trend. The prices of potassium chloride in salt lakes and Zangge are temporarily stable. The downstream market of potassium chloride is consolidating at a high level, with average downstream demand and mainly focused on purchasing for immediate needs. The circulation of potassium chloride is tight, and the supply of goods at the port has slightly increased. Business Society’s potassium chloride analyst believes that domestic potassium chloride import prices may slightly decline in the short term.