Supply and demand balance: Chlorinated paraffin prices remain stable (3.1-3.7)

1、 Price trend


According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Business Society, the average market price of chlorinated paraffin 52 in China was 5800 yuan/ton on March 1st, and the average market price of chlorinated paraffin 52 in China was 5800 yuan/ton on March 7th. The price of chlorinated paraffin remained stable this week.


2、 Market analysis


The market price of chlorinated paraffin remained stable this week. This week, the price of raw material liquid chlorine has increased, while the price of raw material liquid wax has first increased and then decreased, providing good cost support. Downstream on-demand procurement, market supply and demand balance, and acceptable transaction atmosphere. Chlorinated paraffin manufacturers maintain stable prices for shipments, with detailed discussions on actual orders. As of March 7th, the ex factory price of 52 environmentally friendly chlorinated paraffins in Anhui region is about 6300 yuan/ton, and the market price of 52 national standard chlorinated paraffins in Shandong region is about 5600-5800 yuan/ton.


In terms of raw material liquid wax, the price of liquid wax increased first and then decreased this week. The market demand is stable, and liquid wax fluctuates with the crude oil market. In terms of raw material liquid chlorine, the price of liquid chlorine has continued to rise this week. The market transaction atmosphere is still good, and downstream demand for replenishment is maintained, with actual order negotiations being the main focus.


3、 Future Market Forecast


Business Society’s chlorinated paraffin analyst believes that the chlorinated paraffin market has been running steadily in recent days. The market demand needs to be improved, and many companies in the industry are in urgent need of restocking, so cautious observation is the main approach. Under cost support, it is expected that the price of chlorinated paraffin will steadily increase in the short term.