This week, DMF market prices have weakened and declined (8.13-8.20)

1、 Price trend


According to data monitored by Shengyi Society, as of August 20th, the average quotation price of domestic high-quality DMF enterprises was 3970 yuan/ton. This week, the DMF market price has been mainly in a narrow downward trend, with a price drop of 0.25% compared to the same period last week. Currently, the overall market center of gravity is running at a low level, with the mainstream market price of around 3900 yuan/ton. The overall market supply and demand are balanced, with enterprises mainly offering discounts and taking orders. Downstream demand is weak, orders are slow, and manufacturers are actively shipping.


2、 Market analysis


This week, the overall market price of DMF has been weak, with a slight decline in prices. Currently, downstream demand is weak, and overall market shipments are slow. The mainstream price range is 3900 yuan/ton, and manufacturers are offering discounts and taking orders with a cautious wait-and-see attitude. Downstream essential purchases are the main focus, and currently DMF cost side support is insufficient. Recently, there have been reports of maintenance from most manufacturers, and prices are trending upwards. Operators are adopting a cautious wait-and-see attitude.


3、 Future forecast


DMF analysts from Shengyi Society believe that downstream demand for DMF is weak, but recently there have been continuous reports of DMF enterprise maintenance. DMF has some support on the cost side, and it is expected that prices will operate narrowly and strongly in the short term.